Make Merry
When having a social anxiety disorder, every type of public or social gathering is stressful. Every loud noise, sudden movement, and close confrontation adds to this built up tension. I am one of these people. However, coping with this disorder is a challenge in itself. As a way to cope with my disorder, I have explored photographing parties; an environment that I have continuously found to be extremely uncomfortable. With these images, I have forced myself to go beyond my comfort zone to experience all of the noise, movements, and confrontations that naturally make me want to escape. This work is photographed with a high ISO to give the viewer a since of noise within the environment. It captures a range of movement along with physically close confrontations. These images are an example of teaching myself how to survive in the social world.
When having a social anxiety disorder, every type of public or social gathering is stressful. Every loud noise, sudden movement, and close confrontation adds to this built up tension. I am one of these people. However, coping with this disorder is a challenge in itself. As a way to cope with my disorder, I have explored photographing parties; an environment that I have continuously found to be extremely uncomfortable. With these images, I have forced myself to go beyond my comfort zone to experience all of the noise, movements, and confrontations that naturally make me want to escape. This work is photographed with a high ISO to give the viewer a since of noise within the environment. It captures a range of movement along with physically close confrontations. These images are an example of teaching myself how to survive in the social world.